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The Most Trusted and Feature-rich WYSIWYG Rich Text Editor

Familiar content tools ready to use out-of-the-box

Install TinyMCE to add a fully-featured, sleek and intuitive rich text editor to your app – in just a few lines of code.

“The best text editor you could possibly use”

“A simple to use, but expansive editor”

Streamline Your Workflow
with Document Converters

Import from Word, export to Word, or save as a polished PDF—all directly within your editor and with no loss of formatting. Try our fully featured demo below.

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The editor with 12+ integrations and 400+ flexible APIs

Easily integrates into your tech stack. Enhances your
editing experience. First-party integrations that make
development easier.

Why TinyMCE


Build on our code base. Customize to suit you.

Install TinyMCE by adding just a few lines of code.
Used by 1.5M+ devs, with full control of the UI, configuration and integrations.

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Trusted component. Feature loaded. Flexible.

TinyMCE gives you familiar, user-friendly content tools.
Use out-of-the-box or customize to build, ship and scale faster.

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Made for enterprise. Boosts big-name stacks.

World’s best brands use TinyMCE’s best-in-class editor.
Large, time-consuming projects become easy manageable builds.

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Get started with just
a few lines of code

1<h1>TinyMCE Angular Demo</h1>
3  apiKey="no-api-key"
4  [init]="{
5    height: 500,
6    plugins: [
7      'a11ychecker', 'accordion', 'advlist', 'anchor', 'autolink', 'autosave',
8      'charmap', 'code', 'codesample', 'directionality', 'emoticons', 'exportpdf',
9      'exportword', 'fullscreen', 'help', 'image', 'importcss', 'importword',
10      'insertdatetime', 'link', 'lists', 'markdown', 'math', 'media', 'nonbreaking',
11      'pagebreak', 'preview', 'quickbars', 'save', 'searchreplace', 'table',
12      'visualblocks', 'visualchars', 'wordcount'
13    ],
14    toolbar:
15      'undo redo | accordion accordionremove | \
16      importword exportword exportpdf | math | \
17      blocks fontfamily fontsize | bold italic underline strikethrough | \
18      align numlist bullist | link image | table media | \
19      lineheight outdent indent | forecolor backcolor removeformat | \
20      charmap emoticons | code fullscreen preview | save print | \
21      pagebreak anchor codesample | ltr rtl',
22    menubar: 'file edit view insert format tools table help'
23  }"
24  initialValue="Welcome to TinyMCE Angular"

Wow users with 21+ Premium
WYSIWYG editor features

Six most popular features

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Clean copy-and-paste = less support tickets

  • Cleanly copy-pastes content from Word, Excel and Google Docs
  • Has helped dev teams decrease support tickets by 40%
  • Automatically cleans up rogue formatting in pasted content
  • Option to strip or preserve advanced formatting
  • Underlying HTML code doesn't break
  • 99.9% accuracy rate

Explore PowerPaste →

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WYSIWYG HTML editor trusted
by developers

Peter Levels's avatar
Peter Levels@levelsio

✨ I found out ~50% of my support tickets on remoteok.com were about Markdown issues:

- non-tech people don't understand it
- format is inconsistent
- buggy if complex like * a list with **bold text**

So I now switched to TinyMCE which is HTML: tiny.cloud

Ryan Edge techhub.social/@chimon's avatar
Ryan Edge techhub.social/@chimon@chimon1984

We went from a completely custom DraftJS (now Lexical) implementation to TinyMCE and did not lose any sleep over it.

alexp0x's avatar

I did a deep dive on this not long ago, TinyMCE is really the only one worth building with.

SeaCat's avatar

Thanks! I tried many other tools - all open-source and came to the conclusion that many people may disagree with.

I decided to go with TinyMCE not because it's open-source but because they have a commercial license what may mean they will fix bugs and add great features faster.

TinyMCE: The developers’
WYSIWYG editor-of-choice

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